Saturday, August 06, 2022

The Gospel Standard Articles of Faith 1872, 1878

 For a book review, I have been reading a little about these articles which are often (and with some justification) considered hyper-Calvinist. 

I would love someone to correct any misapprehensions here but I think we can point to a couple of errors and one weakness. 

First, we should affirm that all people ought to repent and believe but that this does not imply an natural unaided ability to do so. We are guilty and the fault is in us. Left to ourselves we cannot do otherwise but neither do we wish to do so.

Second, we should make the free offer of the gospel without this undermining the sovereign grace of God or the doctrine of particular redemption. We urge people to repent and believe knowing that God will forgive them if they do so and that they can only do so by his grace if they are among the elect for whom Christ died. 

Third, the articles are right to be nervous about drawing too many straight lines directly from the Apostles' conduct to what ministers of the gospel ought to do today. It is true that the New Testament documents are relatively brief, but they are more than sufficient to show the two points made above. 

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