Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Productivity systems and tools

 If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend reading and reflecting on Getting Things Done.

The idea here is capture all incomes / actions in a really reliable way which means nothing is missed and your mind is left free of worry. Write it down, don't try to remember it. 

I tend to just use a notebook and pen and diary, but if you want to go full GTD, you will need some sections:

INCOMING - this could include a storage box for incoming post, books, things to fix or return etc.

PROJECTS - this captures everything you are aiming to do e.g. loo project, men's evangelism, sermon prep, Children's after school club

NEXT ACTIONS - this makes it really clear what to do. You may want to classify this by location: when next at my desk, in the office, at home, phone calls etc. Some actions may be time specific: you can work on the sermon at 6am or 11pm if you want to. You probably don't want to make calls!

WAITING FOR - these are next actions that depend on someone or something else. If you haven't heard back from Smith in a week you might decide to follow up or give up on him. Having them in the system means nothing is dropped if others drop a ball. 

SOMEDAY MAYBE / ideas - books to read, nice projects, places to visit on your day off etc. 

something like that. 

For me, a notebook and pen are very easy and simple. With my Bible, they can go with me everywhere. They are fast. They never run out of charge or update. They are much less distracting than phone or online.

If you are ever without them, you can send yourself an email so that you know you need to add a note. 

Your diary is for appointments, but it can also be used to send yourself messages or reminders on a certain day. If you use a lot of paper or have crucial pieces of paper you can set up a physical file for every day or month and use it to post stuff forward to yourself: that way, you will always find the tickets easily on the day you need them.

It is essential to review and revise your actions etc. regularly. A beautifully written up / organised note book or Filofax is no good if you ignore what you have put in it! Go through it at least once a week, probably daily. Cross out, amend, plan. You will actually find this quite liberating and relaxing. Once it is a habit, its pretty easy. 

If you want to use an app, you could try Google calendar and Todoist

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