Thursday, January 06, 2022

On originality in Christian Ministry

 In the academic world, everyone is looking to make an original and significant contribution worthy of publication (a way of thinking of PhD criteria). My tutor used to worry about the difficulty of being both original and right.

But originality is not a high value in Christian ministry. We aim to be faithful not brilliant. It would be bad just to preach Spurgeon's sermons every week, but most of us will borrow extensively. Preaching someone else's sermon could be plagiarism; reading three is research.
After more than a decade of ministry in the same parish, I think my people would rightly be shocked if I came out with stuff I claimed was really new and really important. "Why didn't you tell us this before?", they would cry.
The pastor who is always finding the latest essential new fad can be a pain.
But having said that, there are many riches and corners of God's word that we have not yet plumbed or explored. There is much more to say at least until I am 70! Maybe even longer. (Especially if I still need a Rectory. Anyway....)
I hope, though, that I have already said the main things many times and very plainly. That's why I plan to repeat myself on Sunday and look again at the big picture of Jesus, the Bible, the Universe and the meaning of life in a sermon for 2022 and for life. Our vision, our programme. It may contain no new thing, but boy does it matter and does it change everything!

The cultural mandate (Genesis 1:26-end) – p4
The greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) – p991
Jesus! Eternal reign, Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Return
The great commission (Matthew 28:11-end) – p1001

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