Thursday, March 04, 2021

Ocean of Grace (16): THURSDAY – A Bottomless Ocean of Grace (p58ff)

 Lent Book:


My jottings:


(Comments welcome)


Ocean of Grace (16): THURSDAY – A Bottomless Ocean of Grace (p58ff)


Give thanks to God for his infinite and inexhaustible grace. The need and sin of all his people might be very great, but his all-sufficient grace abounds all the more. Can you imagine a great pile of sin, dwarfed by souring mountains of grace? Or a great load of sin plunged into the ocean and sunk deep beneath the love of God so that the dead weight of sin vanishes from sight and is beyond recovery? Dwell on the fact that all your sin is more than paid for and covered. God is able to save completely. He promises cleansing and forgiveness for all your sin.


Thank Jesus for the gift of Living Water which can always make us alive and clean and which can never run dry (John 4:10ff; 7:37-39). Indeed, pray that the life of the Spirit might overflow from us to others. May God the Father refresh and renew us today with the good news of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit.


If you find yourself feeling guilty or troubled today, think of the infinite grace of God shown us in Christ.


Your maker, the LORD (Yahweh, the Great unchangeable, faithful, trustworthy, covenant promise keeping I AM) Almighty, the Holy One of Israel, the God of all the earth is your husband and Redeemer. He is personally and irrevocably committed to you. He has redeemed you from the penalty of sin and he will redeem you finally from the lingering presence of sin when you. He means to bring you safely to glory to his nearer presence when there will be no more sin, or sorrow or sadness. Can you doubt his ability to do what he has promised?


Hymn: There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins




Words etc.:

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