Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Ocean of Grace (15): WEDNESDAY – Stars Dwelling With Dust (p55ff)

 Lent Book:


My jottings:


(Comments welcome)


Ocean of Grace (15): WEDNESDAY – Stars Dwelling With Dust (p55ff)


It is appropriate that during Lent we should be reminded that “dust you are and to dust you shall return”, words God uses to Adam after his sin in Genesis 3:19, which are used in the Ash Wednesday service.


God’s grace and condescension are shown not only to humble creatures such as us but to sinners. We are not only dust but sinful dust.


Think on your sin as rebellion / treachery / insurrection / attempted revolt / regicide. We don’t want God as our God and king and we try to throw him off his throne climb onto it ourselves and rule as the god and king of our own lives.


Of course such rebellion is laughably pathetic and impossible. Our attempts to run our lives our way for ourselves often end in disaster and tears. God’s throne turns out to be too big and high for us. His crown doesn’t fit our little heads so its unsurprising that they are uneasy while they try to wear his crown.  


You might like to read Psalm 2 as a meditation on this kind of rebellion against the LORD and Jesus his anointed King, the Messiah.


(The Two Ways to Live gospel outline also helpfully describes sin as rebellion:


God could of course simply have crushed us his enemies, but he graciously came in Christ to make peace, to offer us amnesty. Jesus reconciles the Father to us so that we are no longer enemies (he prays the price of our enmity) and can be welcomed back as friends.


Again, we might dwell on the gracious welcome the Father gives to his prodigal Son in Luke 15, running to embrace him, giving him a ring and a robe and a banquet.


Hymn: Rejoice! The Lord is King.




Words etc.:

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