Friday, January 22, 2021

That Spectator Letter & Shameful Clergy etc.

 I have just read this letter from The Spectator saying that the Church of England has been a shameful disgrace to close some of its churches. 

(Mr Peter Laverick of Poling, West Sussex, Spectator 23rdJanuary, Paradise Lost, p31 is responding to Spectator, Jonathan Beswick, 'Critical Mass' 16 January)

There are clearly things the letter gets wrong. I don't think most of the clergy are being timid and and frightened. 

But if I were an extremely vulnerable priest, I might conclude that the wise and godly thing to do would be to stay at home for the sake of my wife and small children, although I'm not for a moment frightened of my own death. 

And yet I sympathised with the letter. 

We have closed our churches for the time being because the local council and public health officials and bishops have asked us to do so. This seemed to be the responsible thing to do. They are more expert in this than us. 

I think in our context we could open some of our churches for some services very safely and I hope we will be encouraged to do so soon. 

I've prayed. I've blogged. I might even take to social media. But for the moment I'm just having a little cry about it. 

No priest has wanted to shut down public worship. Of course we all hate it. Most of us probably think that in some ways the gathering of the church around the Lord's Table on a Sunday is more important than schools or shops even. It is our job to believe that the love of God is the most important thing and that eternity matters much more than prolonging this life for everyone for as long as possible. 

We're all trying to do our best in a tough situation. Perhaps we could do with a little more love and consideration and a little less criticism. 

And in the meantime, I would be more than happy to speak, pray with and minister to any parishioner on the phone or online or (safely!) in person if need be. 

The clergy have not abandoned their posts. I hope this post makes that clear! 

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