Sunday, January 24, 2021

Drink up! Cheers!

 Some words adapted from G. K. Chesterton for today's Gospel, the water into wine at the wedding at Cana (John chapter 2):

The worldly person drinks wine as a medicine.
He feasts because life is not joyful; he revels because he is not glad.
[He’s drowning his sorrows, we might say]
'Drink,' he says, 'for you know not whence you come nor why.
Drink, for you know not when you go nor where.
Drink, because the stars are cruel and the world as idle as a humming-top.
Drink, because there is nothing worth trusting, nothing worth fighting for.
Drink, because all things are lapsed in a base equality and an evil peace.'
So the worldly man stands offering us the cup in his hands.
But Jesus also offers us a cup filled with the fruit of the vine.
'Drink,' he says, 'for the whole world is as red as this wine with the crimson of the love and wrath of God.
Drink, for the trumpets are blowing for battle, and this is the stirrup cup.
Drink, for this is my blood of the New Testament that is shed for you.
Drink, for I know whence you come and why.
Drink, for I know when you go and where.'
We are all thirsty creatures.
Where will we drink?
Cheers! Happy Lord's Day!

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