Monday, December 28, 2020

My Lloyd Family Christmas / New Year News Letter 2020-21


Let’s take the cliches about 2020 for granted and get straight into talking about us! We have been largely alert, safe and at home with some (negative) Covid tests thrown in for excitement.


Mrs Lloyd’s great enthusiasm has been singing and after some lessons and much toil, she covered herself in glory with a Licentiate of Trinity College London. She has been doing lots of singing in church and some performances but has really missed the opportunity to sing with others in person. She has also taken on a number of piano pupils both at home and at the children’s primary school though often online.


All three boys are now playing for the excellent re-named Heathfield and Horam Football Club so that we sometimes have to puzzle out how we can be in multiple cold, wet, muddy locations on a Saturday morning.


Jono has become An Teenager and has continued to worship screens at every opportunity and love an argument. He seems to have fooled his school teachers into believing he is going the extra mile in subjects he declares boring. Like a favourite teddy bear, his new rugby ball has rarely been more than a meter away from him since it was acquired and he shows some promise as a runner. Perhaps his Fitbit will motivate him.


Abi has been learning classical Greek with a parishioner and baking at every opportunity. Being on Bake Off is a great ambition. I have been happily gobbling the produce and giving unsolicited feedback. We are great fans of the Warbleton Brass Band and Abi is working towards grade V on the cornet and achieved a distinction in her grade II piano exam. She also has a growing collection of bling earned in Irish Dancing. Though I was a hamster sceptic, Fizz has been well cared for and is a source of lots of fun when she can be persuaded not to go into hibernation in the chilly Rectory.


Soldiers, Duplo and Lego continue to form a large part of our lives. The family vies for domination in Monopoly. Mrs Lloyd has bought Sonic The Hedgehog for the PS4 and is enjoying beating the children.


Matt Matt’s winning smile looks destined to break hearts. Shockingly he has decided to be an England supporter.


Tommy remains a quirky cheeky chap with plenty of questions and comments to contribute when he can get a word in edge ways: “By the way…”.


Sadly, Caleb the Dog now awaits the Resurrection. He had a sad decline over a number of months and I felt I had mourned him before we eventually decided that this ought not to go on. The breed and naming of Caleb II are the subjects of great debate but we are put off by the effort and expense involved. For the moment we are glorying in leaving food lying around and doors open, but I am missing my daily waddle around The Green.


In Lockdown One “church” quickly went online from my study with Mrs L as the unpaid Director of Music and IT consultant. At one stage it was an exciting technological innovation each week. Leading worship was now more like flying a space ship. I have continued to say Morning and Evening Prayer on Facebook at 8am and 4:30pm most work days and you are always welcome to join me. Weekly Zoom prayer and Bible study has been good with of course a certain amount of “We can’t hear you…. You need to unmute…. UNMUTE!” and everybody freezing. We pray that we will build back better but much feels uncertain.


In addition to my parish duties, I have been editing the book reviews for Churchman, the Church Society’s theological journal, which recently re-launched as The Global Anglican.


A very happy new year to you!

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