Sunday, December 27, 2020

Church Mission Action Plan Review Questions

Do we have a clear shared vision of making disciples of Jesus who will make disciples of Jesus by the prayerful ministry of Word and Sacrament in the power of the Holy Spirit in the context of warm and outward-looking relationships?

What are we (as individuals, families, groups, a church or with others) doing in the following areas?

Pre-evangelism / connecting with others and building contacts and relationships 

Evangelism / sharing the good news of Jesus including verbal proclamation 

Nurture / Discipleship

Christian service and contribution to the Common Good

Training in ministry

Admin / support for ministry / governance / finance / practical matters 

Are we neglecting any of these areas?

Are there groups in our community we are failing to reach? 

Should we do anything new or differently?

Are there things we should stop doing?

What are our one, two or three immediate priorities / areas of focus / next steps?

When and how will we review this again?

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