Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Psalm 26 Bible Study Questions

 God-willing we'll be looking at Psalm 26 this Wednesday in our midweek meetings. 

Here are a few questions prepared by a member of the congregation for anyone who would like to have a think about it in advance:

  1. v1 What is David asking the Lord to do for him?
  2. What are the grounds for his asking this?
  3. v2 What is David asking the Lord to do?
  4. v3 What gives him the confidence to ask this?
  5. v4-5 What does David avoid?
  6. v6-8 Where does David love to be  - in contrast with v4-5?
  7. v9-10 What is David’s plea to the Lord in these verses?
  8. v11-12 What are the grounds for this plea?

Which aspects of this Psalm point us to the Lord Jesus Christ?

What can we learn from this Psalm to help us in our walk with the Lord?

Maybe we could each choose a verse to learn to remind us of what the Lord has said to us tonight?

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