Friday, September 04, 2020

Acts 17vv1-15 - an outline

 You may wish to look away now as this contains spoilers for Sunday:


Church life and mission today…


The original and the best


Gospel Mission and Mixed Responses


(1) Gospel Mission


(A) Paul’s Method

Reasoned (v2)

Explained (v3)

Proved (v3)

Proclaimed (v3)

(Persuaded) (v4)

from the Scriptures (v2)

Preached the Word of God (v13)


(B) Paul’s Message

The Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead

This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Christ (v3)

Another king, called Jesus (v7)


(2) Mixed Responses

A diverse group are persuaded and believe and join the disciples (v4, v12)

Some are jealous and oppose (vv5-9, 13-15)

A noble response (v11):

Hear the message with great eagerness

Examine the Scriptures to see if it’s true


How have you responded to the gospel?

How could you serve this gospel mission?


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