Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Online church etc. update and reminders

Dear All,

I hope this finds all well with you and your loved ones.

Forgive me if all this is already at the front of your mind, but I just thought it might be helpful to share a reminder and update on what we are doing online as churches.

If you’re a regular at church, I’d especially like to encourage you to give our midweek meeting a try sometime.

Sunday Services – Live at 9:30am on Facebook or catchup afterwards

You can join us for worship live on a Sunday morning at 9:30am on my Facebook account:  or catch up later at:

Or catch up on the church Facebook pages:

Or catch up on the Warbleton Parish Church You Tube Chanel (which you can search for, subscribe to and like):

I’ve been posting an order of service / notes with details of readings, music and responses and so on, on my blog in advance each week:

Do please feel free to comment, like and share.

Morning and Evening Prayer – normally 8am and 4:30pm on Facebook or catch up afterwards (not on my days off, normally Friday) - or afterwards on the church Facebook pages

Churches Midweek Meeting – Wednesdays 7:30pm (formal finish by 9pm) via Zoom

This has developed into a really good group. More than 20 of us have been along at least once. It’s been great to see one another’s faces and be able to interact.

We begin by saying hello and sharing any news or prayer requests. We’ve been looking at a Psalm together each week. And we finish with a time of prayer.
Do let me know if you have any difficulty. Or we could find a time to give it a go in advance any time so that you know you’re all set us.

(You also might like to have a Bible and a pen and paper handy. As a church we normally use the New International Version (NIV) 1984 but any version would be fine. You can access the latest NIV here:

If you have a local connection, please email me for details of the Zoom meeting.

Quiz – Saturday night 7pm (usually finishing by 8pm ish, I think)

Using the same Zoom details as the Midweek Church meeting. This has been lots of fun and a good way to connect. Everyone with a local connection is very welcome. You’ll need a pen and paper handy. One particular team has won each week so far so it would be fantastic to have someone along to beat them! Children welcome.

Audio Sermons Online

We continue to make these available each week after the service and there’s a large back catalogue to explore too:

Dial the weekly sermon using the telephone

Please do let those without the internet know that they can listen to the sermon each week by calling 01435 515269 (as soon as we’ve got round to putting it up!). This costs the same as a local call. (Don’t be put off by the initial recorded message in an American accent! Follow the instructions and hold on and the sermon will follow!)

Parish Magazine Free Online

This is available on the home page of Warbleton Church Website at:

Warbleton Church has a WhatsApp group for regulars at church

Please text me on 07812 054820 with your name if you’d like to join.

Warbelton Church Notice Sheet

Please email me if you’d like to receive this by email each week.

Join the Warbleton Church occasional email mailing list here:

VE Day

There’ll be a service for VE day my Facebook live at 10am on Friday 8th and afterwards on the church Facebook pages. And we’ll also include an act of commemoration in our service on Sunday 10th May.

I’m grateful to Martin and Sian of Warbleton Brass Band for providing the videos of The Last Post and Reveille, which we’ll use.

* * *

Please feel free to keep in touch with me: 01435 830421 / (Day off normally a Friday).

Do please share this email or anything from it that might be of interest to others.

All the very best - with my prayers,


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