Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wedding Meetings Checklist for Vicars

No doubt you will have better, perhaps paperless, ways of doing this but as a reminder to self and in case it is any help, when meeting a wedding couple, probably at some stage you will need either for yourself or to give to them:

Passports and proof of address / other ID checklist
Access to Parish Finder to check re banns
List of qualifying connections and evidence
Banns of marriage form / way of capturing all the data you need for the registers
Any other questions you need to ask about legalities and form of service
Suggestions on hymns, music, choreography, readings and prayers, who might take part (role of father / parents, best man, bridesmaids etc.)
Sort out witnesses and what will happen during signing of the register
List of authorised forms of service (Common Worship, BCP etc.) links / examples
Headings and other content for order of service (e.g. image of church if desired)
Rules about photos, videos, confetti, music, sound systems etc.
Your diaries to fix your next meeting, check for other weddings etc.!
Info on marriage preparation / suggested reading
Suggestions for organists / other musicians
Info on flowers in church
Details of costs, how and when to pay etc.
Some Christian literature e.g. a gospel and a tract
Your contact details
The parish magazine / newsletter / invites to other church services and events
Details of rehearsal and who is needed

What else?

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