Thursday, September 19, 2019


Ask any minister how he or she is and there is a fair likelihood that the answer will include some form of "busy!"

Sometimes we say this to justify our existence and herald our hard work.

Often it is true: we are busy.

There's a balance to be struck in these things. Some of us thrive on a deadline. We don't want to be underemployed.

But some of us are sometimes too busy: stressed, frazzled, chasing our tails.

Why is that?

Perhaps pressures from the denomination, or congregation, or community. Sometimes there is just too much stuff that has to be done urgently and we've got to do it.

But more likely I think much of the problem is self-imposed pressure.

Maybe we actually like to be needed. Or we don't trust others to do a good enough job. Or we've worked hard but not smart. Maybe we've not invested in recruiting and training others.

Whatever the causes, too busy for too long is not good for us and our people. A meeting every night in the Vicarage for 10 days will take its toll on you and your family. You can't do too many 8ams to 10pms without wilting.

We do have quite a lot of control over our own diaries and we ought to try to use it well. Likely no one makes sure we clock in at 9am and out at 5pm. A few of us might be tempted to be lazy. But more often I think we're tempted to log in before 7am and check the phone at midnight and....

We and our family and friends actually need us to take our days off. Ideally a full 24 hrs each week as a minimum. Better still with the evening before thrown in if we can.

Saturday is probably not the best clergy day off with Sunday looming. Why not take a Friday? And if you've already done 60 hours by Thursday, you don't have to put in another 8 hour day on Saturday to have earned your merger stipend. Give yourself a break! Yes, work hard, but don't bust a gut!

You are meant to be set aside for the ministry of the Word and prayer so that is what you should do. I know there is the tyranny of the inbox and the treadmill of meetings and prep and the clamour to visit more and... But word, prayer, sacrament is your thing. Do this. Slow down. Be quiet. Think. Pray. Remember Jesus and his gospel. His love. Start the day not with the church's social media presence but in the presence of God. Hear him say to you again in Christ, "you are my child, whom I love. With you I am well pleased." That is the only basis for faithful and fruitful service.

How are you? Loved! Forgiven! Saved! Secure!

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