Saturday, March 02, 2019

Luke 18vv1-8 - A handout

Isaiah 25 (p708) / Luke 18:1-8 (p1052)

The parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge

“Pester power!”

Context of Jesus’ ministry: The Kingdom of God has come in new way! e.g. chapters 4 and 5

The healing of the lepers (17:11-19) a foretaste of the perfect fullness of the Kingdom of God in the New Creation

17v20: When will the kingdom of God come?

17v21: The kingdom of God is amongst you – because Jesus the king is there

17v22ff: But there will also be a future absence of the days of Jesus the Son of Man and a coming future Day (v24)

How should we live between the first and second comings of Jesus, when the Kingdom of God has begun has not yet come in all its perfect fullness?

18v1 – a parable – “thrown alongside” – compare (and contrast!) the judge and the widow to God and his people


·        18v2: The unjust judge

·        18v3: The persistent widow

A prayer for justice / deliverance / vindication / salvation / for God’s kingdom of righteousness to come in all its fullness

18v8: God will give his people justice quickly - God’s timing – 2 Peter 3v3ff

V1: Will you be like the widow and always pray to God (especially for the justice and salvation of his perfect kingdom) and not give up?

18v8b: But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?

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