Saturday, March 02, 2019

A somewhat rambling, random and repetitious prayer for the beginning of a retreat or quiet day

Father, I find myself excited and a little anxious as I begin this time away.

I’m not entirely sure what I want or expect.

I am going to try to leave the results to you.

Help me to trust you.

Please take care of me and use this time for my good and your glory.

Lord, thank you that your presence and power and goodness don't depend on my faith or understanding.
You are there anyway and you are strong and good so that’s what counts.

Lord, I think I believe. Help my unbelief.


Father God,

Thank you for all your love and goodness to me;

For the many blessings you have given me;

And your presence here with me now.

Thank you specifically for…

Blessings of creation / “natural” blessings e.g. home, family, food, money, time, freedom etc.

Blessings of redemption / “supernatural” blessings e.g. election, justification, atonement, redemption, adoption, home etc.

Thank you for the time and resources which make this retreat possible and all those who have contributed towards it.

I commit to you all those whom I love and the situations and issues I have left behind particularly my family and those for whom I have a care and those covering for my absence.

Specifically, I pray for….

I turn from all that I know to be wrong

And turn back to you.

I confess…

Sins of commission….

Sins of omission….

Of thought, word and deed…

I offer you myself and this time.

Be with me.

Give me sincerity and simplicity of heart

And radical and absolute honesty.

Grant me worthwhile insight into my ways, which are sometimes a mystery to me.  

Thank you that you already know me better than I know myself and that you love me with all my faults and foibles.

Give me my daily bread.

And the measure of health and strength which I need.  

Increase my hunger for you and by your grace satisfy me with good things.

Grant me a fresh vision of you.

If it is your will, I pray for good rest and sleep.

Help me to slow down and attend to you and to myself.

May I get to the real business of why you would have me be here and not be distracted from it.

May I not fuss about things like noises and the temperature of the room.

Give me a measure of freedom from these things that I might devote myself more fully to you.

Give me your peace.

Thank you for the gift of the Scriptures.

And all that I have heard and learnt of them over the years.

Cause me to call to mind your word.

May it penetrate deep within me and soak into my mind, heart and soul.

Season me with your truth.

Teach me your ways that I might walk in them.

Lead me not into hard testing but deliver me from evil.

Even as I spend this time alone, make me forgetful of myself.

May I die to self and rise to new life in Jesus.

Make me like him and help me to follow him.

Use this time when I am alone not only for my own well-being, but for the good of others.

I abandon my agenda for this time and pray that your will would be done.

Help me to use this time wisely and well, without being precious or anxious.

Lord, I pray that I might not over-complicate discipleship.

Or at least that I might not use any complication as an excuse for lack of effort or for seeking godliness.

Help me to love you and love my neighbour.

I pray that there might be a certain simplicity about my character and life.

Help me to leave the results of this time in your hands.

For my good and the good of those I love and pray for, and to your glory, hear these prayers and the unspoken, even not fully known, prayers of my heart, which I offer and present to you in the name of Jesus Christ, claiming only his merits and by virtue of his all-powerful intercession.


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