Saturday, August 06, 2016

Romans 8:1-17; 28-end - a handout

To go with tomorrow's sermon and powerpoint:

Romans 8:1-17; 28-39 (page 1134)

v1, “Therefore…”

1vv1-15:              INTRODUCTION

1vv16-17:            Paul’s MAIN POINT: The Gospel / Good News

1v18-3v20:         Our PROBLEM: We need the gospel because of our sin and God’s

holy judgement

3vv21-31:            God’s SOLUTION: Justification through faith in Jesus who died in

our place

4-:                         Paul explains and defends his gospel and shows the

consequences and implications of it.

(8-:                        Living in the light of the gospel)

V1, no condemnation…. because vv2-3

(1) FLESH / sinful nature: Law powerless to save (v3); condemned (v3); death (v6); hostile to God, does not and cannot submit to God’s law (v7); cannot please God (v8); will die (v13); (slavery and fear – v15)

(2) Holy SPIRIT: Set free (v2); Life and peace (v6); belong to Christ (v9); spirit alive because of righteousness (v10); resurrection (v11); put sin to death, will live (v13); sons of God (v14-15); not slaves to fear (v15); heirs (v16)

Vv28-30: God’s certain plan:

Foreknew à predestined à called à justified à glorified

FOR US: GOD who loves us, chose us and gave his own Son for us and justifies us;

JESUS CHRIST who loves us and died and rose and reigns in heaven now and intercedes for us

AGAINST US: ??? Trouble? Hardship? Persecution? Famine? Nakedness? Danger? Sword? Death? Life? Angels? Demons? Present? Future? Powers? Height? Depth? Anything else?

Summary:           V1: No condemnation in Christ

V39: No separation from God’s love

Live confidently and gratefully in the light of the gospel, trusting in Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit, putting to death the misdeeds of the body, knowing you are secure in God’s love

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