Saturday, July 30, 2016

Romans 8vv18-27 handout

I have revised this a little for tomorrow. Here it is just in case it is of any interest or use to anyone:

Romans 8vv18-27 – Groaning for Glory

God’s plans for creation and the New Creation (cf. Psalm 8)

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the [future] glory that will be revealed in us” (v18)

In the meantime, while we wait for the New Creation:

(1) Creation groans (vv19-22, esp. v22)

(2) We Christians groan (vv23-25, esp. v23)

(3) The Holy Spirit groans on our behalf (vv26-27, esp. v26)

So what? A guide to godly groaning this side of glory:

è Don’t worry: groaning and suffering are normal and to be expected.

è Don’t settle or despair: groan in this confident and great hope! We wait eagerly (v23) and patiently (v25). The best is yet to come (v18).

è You don’t groan alone: the whole of creation groans and our fellow-Christians groan, but especially look to the Spirit’s expert help!

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