Friday, June 07, 2013

Some jottings on Mark's Gospel for our Camp Leaders

A re-cap / re-introduction:

Mark 1:1 – title / headline / introduction

“the beginning” – cf. Genesis 1:1 – New Creation

“gospel” – Good News! – epoch changing news, a victory in battle, a new king

“of Jesus Christ [the Son of God]” – The man Jesus (Saviour) the Messiah, anointed one (King)

3 key themes:

(1) Who is Jesus? – His identity & person – especially up to 8:31 – who is this? 2:7; 4:41; 6:1-3, 14-16; 12:35-40; 14:61-62; 15:39

(2) Why did he come? – His mission & work – especially 8:31 onwards – 8:31-22; 9:31-32; 10:32-34, 45; 14:21, 24, 36

And so,

(3) What does it mean to follow him? – Our response & discipleship – 1:15-17; 3:34-35; 4:20; 5:34; 7:28; 10:14-15; 10:29-30, 47; 12:29-31; 14:1-11

Theme (1): The authority of Jesus the Christ the Son of God (& God the Son) – 1:1, 11; 9:7

“authority” – 1:22, 27; 2:10; 3:15; 6:7; 11:28f, 33

Over sinners (!) 1:17-20; 2:13, 17
Over sin 2:7, 10
Over sickness 1:29-34, 41; 2:11f; 3:5, 10; 5:21-43; 6:54-56; 7:31-37; 8:22-26
Over Satan & evil spirits 1:13, 23-28; 34; 3:11-12, 27; 5:1-20
Over the storm & sea 4:39; 6:45-52
Over scribes 1:22, 27; 7:1-23
Over the Sabbath 2:28

The transforming power of meeting the real Jesus in the Scriptures; bow the knee to him; Jesus more than capable!

A key turning point passage: 8:27-38 – all 3 themes
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of Man (Daniel 7), who “must” suffer, die and rise
Following him means going the way of the cross, denying self, losing your life to save it

Jesus the pattern for disciples

A discipleship theme (3): self-sacrificial Christ-like humble servant-leadership is true greatness

9:33-37; 10:35-45

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