Friday, June 07, 2013

Camp Training Day Jottings

DV (?!) I'm going to bore and scare some of the camp leaders with some of the following:

Our aims, vision, ethos, values, ways of working etc.
Some things I want to say!

Strapline: The Best Week of the Year! SERIOUS FUN!
Primarily “spiritual” aims – in the context of a great, safe, fun holiday – what will they remember?

A motto text for camp / ministry: Colossians 1:28-29

Case studies… Some real dreams (prayers):
-          the members who comes to Christ in repentance and faith for the first time
-          the members who takes strides forward with Jesus – e.g. Bible reading – the next X
-          the family that’s turned around by the witness of Jemima’s changed life
-          the leaders who discovers new passions and gifts
-          the churches that flourishes
God knows what impact camp can have - only eternity will reveal it – Mark 4:20

COMMITMENTS (stating the obvious and the impossible!):
Jesus as Lord and Saviour, the Gospel, for the glory of God
Bible – the authoritative infallible Word of God (CPAS basis of faith in handbook)
Prayer is vital
The power of the Spirit indispensable for real inner transformation – resurrections! – miracles!
To the Members – genuine love and concern, e.g. listen to them
To local Churches, “imperfect” as they may be
To Families and to honouring parents
To the team, service, self-sacrifice – look out for and help one another, pray & communicate
Doing what you have been asked to do promptly and well (e.g. not needing chasing)
No supermen or women – mutual dependence
Grace, forgiveness, kindness, help one another
To God’s sufficient grace, his strength in our weakness (2 Cor 19:9)
Gospel unity – “in essential, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love” – in diversity
(One body, many parts; different gifts)
Growing as leaders – a culture of training, trying new things, constructive feedback
Striving for excellence without being neurotic – doing the best we can – (godly mediocrity)
Hard work, Rest, Play, fun, laughter – be prepared for a tiring week – day off before & after camp – time off each day? – time off in the week?
Camp, Safety, Reputation, Child protection
All year round (postcard, reunion, pray), Long-term? Camp next year?!

Mission, Maturity, Ministry; Making Disciples who will make disciples who will make disciples….
Evangelism, Nurture, Service; Self-starters; Teach a man to fish
(Don’t assume “Josiah Christian” is unconverted and needs a crisis experience)
Help everyone to take the next step with Jesus

CPAS Ventures, Overall leader, planning team, adjutant, dorm leaders

Read the Handbook and act on it!
Be committed to the commitments above
Try to be godly, have a sense of humour, take responsibility, prepared flexibility – be prepared!
(First camp can be a bit bewildering)
We are all weak sinners saved by grace not by our performance!
Look after yourself and look out for others; communicate
Ask if you are unsure / need help / have any questions!  Pray! Enjoy!

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