Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Shrinking & Growing Churches

Last night, Revd Richard Jackson (Diocisan Mission & Renewal Adviser) spoke at the Deanery Synod. He showed that over the last decade, some churches in the Diocese have grown significantly and some have shrunk significantly. No doubt there are all sorts of different factors affecting this and some places are much harder / more "stoney ground" (Mark 4:5) than others. Nevetheless, with caveats and qualifications, he suggested that it is normally possible to identify the following important characteristics:

Characteristics of shrinking churches:

* self-preservation and guarding "our" tradition is paramount. There is a disdain for spiritual enthusiasm and a lack of spiritual energy. The great concern is to keep the show on the road / building open.

* an institutional rather than a Kingdom focus. We want people to come to church but we are not so concerned to make Disciples.

* a failure to recognise cultural change

* predominately Sunday focused (which does not suit some people who are already involved in stuff on Sundays such as taking the kids off to the rugby club)

* poor spiritual understanding. Essential doctrines are regarded as optional. e.g. the bodily resurrection of Jesus is up for grabs.

* dependancy on the clergy, especially for anything "spiritual" - a kind of vicarious spirituality where the clergy do that stuff on our behalf. Unrealistic expectations of the Vicar.

Characteristics of growing churches:

* informality / humanity, a warm, welcoming, accepting atmosphere - not pressured or frosty. Whilst not irrevrent, not a crippling panic about getting the service just exactly "right". e.g. tollerance of toddler noise, not reproachful stares

* leadership. A strategic plan / sense of calling. A Mission Action Plan (MAP).

* addressing and removing structural barriers to growth - e.g. confusing pattern of or awkward service times

* shared ministry - gifts of individual members are identified, encouraged and used. (The opposite of Vicar dependency)

* fervent intercession / corporate prayer. Specific focussed prayer for the life of the church. A sense of spiritual battle dependent on the Lord.

* community engagement

* driven by children and youth work (willing to adapt for the sake of it)

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