Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The future for Anglican Evangelicals?

I've heard good things about this conference:

The second Anglican Evangelical Junior Clergy Conference
Change or Decay?
The future for Anglican evangelicals
in an evangelizing Anglican church
16th - 18th July 2012
The King's Park Conference Centre, Northampton
As the councils of the Church continue to focus their energies elsewhere, the conversion of England seems as far off as it was in 1945, when the report Towards the Conversion of England was first published.
Yet there are 'green shoots'. Dioceses are beginning to develop plans for growth. The number of evangelical ordidands going into full-time parish ministry remains high. The quality of evangelical theological training is as good as it has ever been.
The second Anglican Evangelical Junior Clergy Conference aims to build on the first, identifying and encouraging a new generation of leaders and strengthening evangelical commitment to the Church of England, whilst seeking ways in which to promote evangelism as the priority in every part of the Church.
The conference invites attendance from those in the first seven years of incumbency, in a first curacy, in training, going through the selection process or thinking about it!
The cost is £130. To book, please contact Mrs Linda Peake, For further information, contact John Richardson,

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