Saturday, August 07, 2010

War & Suffering in OT (reading)

A friend asked:

i was wondering if you know any good books about why God allows/ initiates so much war and suffering in OT

All I could think of to say was:

I'm struggling to come up with anything fantastic on exactly that.

You might try looking at:

D A Carson, How Long O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil (IVP / Baker, 1990)

John Dickson has a book If I Were God I'd End All The Pain (Good Book co.) but I think he gives a rather unhelpful form of the Free Will defence.

You might like bits of Williams and Cooper, If You Could Ask God One Question (Christianity Explored)

It's worth saying that the problem is not confined to the OT. OT - mean God, NT God of love is a caricature.

It's also key to remember that all sinners deserve hell. Holy war is just a minor foretaste of that.

The cross shows God using suffering for good etc.

Sorry not to be more help.

Any other suggestions? What should I have said?


  1. It's a good topic to think about. I put some ideas down on paper, which you can see here:

  2. Tim,

    Does one need an account to read that file?

  3. It should be a public google document. Are you not able to access it?

    Try here for a direct link to the file.

  4. Tim V-B3:38 pm

    Well, that didn't work. Copy and paste this into your browser.

  5. Great. Yep. That works. Ta.

    My friend was already able to access it and she found it v helpful. Useful Bible references to follow up etc.

  6. Anonymous11:20 pm

    Relevant recent blog post by Doug Wilson about God hating:
