Saturday, August 07, 2010

No comforter or friend?

I'm pleased to see that the LXX for "comforter" in Ecc 4:1 seems to be "Paraclete" and reckon that might give a nice conclusion to my sermon. There is a Comforter, the Holy Spirit (John 14-16)!

Jesus is also a friend in need (Ecc 4:10), one who sticks closer than a brother (Prov 18:24; John 15). He is the Supreme Good Samaritan - the one who helps us up when we have Fallen.

1 comment:

  1. Michael Dormandy5:54 pm

    A little interesting point on this note:
    Eve is given as a "helper" to Adam. She is distinctively right because she is "flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones". "Help" in the psalms is something Yahweh gives (eg Ps 121). In other words, the reason Eve is so good for Adam is because she provides him with something akin to what Yahweh provides him with, but she is flesh and bone like he is. Remind you of anyone you know?
