Thursday, November 12, 2009

Preaching Plans

I hate having to come up with passages and titles for sermons before preparing the sermons (!) but here's my stab at what I'm going to attempt on Sundays in the New Year:

10th Jan AM – The Meaning of Life (Ecclesiastes 1)

13th Jan PM – Father & Son (John 8:12-30)

14th Feb AM – (Valentine’s Day) – True Love (1 John 4:7-21)

21st Feb PM – Paternity Tests (John 8:31-59)

14th Mar PM – Blinding Light (John 9)

28th Mar AM (Palm Sunday) – The King Comes! (Matthew 21:1-11)

4th Apr PM (Easter Sunday) – Why the resurrection matters (1 Corinthians 15:1-34)

25th Apr AM – Living With Death – (Ecclesiastes 2)


  1. Is there a reason for abandoning the model of consecutive exposition of scripture?

  2. Are you objecting to taking particular texts for novelty days? Don't you think it is perfectly acceptable and could be helpful? I can see St Valentine's Day is maybe a bit debateable but surely going for a text such as 1 Cor 15 on Easter Sunday is quite a mainstream kinda thing to do?

    I guess on V day I wanted to address an issue that would be in people's minds a little more than usual.

    I guess observing things like Easter helps to tie us into the drama of the gospel, keep the main things the main things etc.?

  3. I suppose more of a case may be made for Easter, though I think that one ought to be able to preach an Easter sermon from practically any text. But Valentine's Day? I think that's pandering to the god of Hallmark.

  4. ya.. its really useful for me...
