Thursday, November 12, 2009


If anyone knows of any convincing structures or useful outlines of the book of Ecclesiastes (especially ones that lend themselves to a sermon series maybe of about 6 sermons!) I'd love to hear about them.

This from Barry Webb drawing on de Jong's 1992 work has the look of objectivity about it:

1:1 Introduction

1:2 Motto

1:3-4:16 – Observation

5:1-9 - Instruction

5:10-6:9 - Observation

6:10-7:22 - Instruction

7:23-29 - Observation

8:1-8 - Instruction

8:9-9:12 - Observation

9:13-12:7 Instruction

12:8 Motto

12:9-14 Epilogue

(5 Festal Garments, p87)

But quite what the coherent themes are in these sections (if there are any!), and what the snappy titles for the termcard should be?

All is vanity and a chasing after the wind! Foggy vapour everywhere.

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