Friday, September 18, 2009

John Piper on Doug Wilson (& N T Wright)

Here is John Piper on You Tube responding to a question about whether so-called The Federal Vision is "Another Gospel". Although he is concerned about some of the trajectory of Doug Wilson's theology and critical of some of his circle, Piper says very emphatically that Wilson does not teach a False Gospel or heresy. Wilson is careful and very bright, wrong on many things in the kind of ways you’d expect a Presbyterian [or peudobaptist] to be wrong. The Federal Vision is very complicated. It legitimately stresses some objective aspects of the covenant in a way that any Reformed person might want to do - there are objective sides to church membership that give real privileges. Don’t write Doug Wilson off very easily.

Piper also mentions that he does not think Wright preaches a false gospel, though he thinks he preaches a very confused gospel.


  1. Anonymous10:57 am

    I've seen this before and the most wonderful thing it shows is that Piper has actually engaged with what Wilson has actually said and written. Which is not true of all his critics imho.

    I think it's enormously helpful that Piper clearly has a clear definition in his head of the distinction between error and heresy. That's often lacking nowadays, and it results in a dangerous tendency among evangelicals to label some things heresy that are maybe just errors.

    I've finally just started reading Piper on Wright, so it'll be interesting to see what he says.

    I'm looking forward to listening to the forum/ panel session at this year's DG conference too - Wilson is one of the conference speakers and I bet some of the controversy over his theology comes up.

  2. A very important question is what was written in the original Matthew and what is the origin of the gospel-doctrines.

    Learn what Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah – from Nazareth taught here:
