Saturday, September 19, 2009

Calvin's preaching style

As I recall Revd Dr Joel Beeke describing Calvin's preaching style (at JOC / LTS Calvin Conference) it went something like this:

Continuous sequential exposition of the text of the Bible.

Begin with a reminder of where we got to last time.

Exegesis and application. Repeat till time runs out. Stop. Resume next time!

Normallt Calvin's sermons would last maybe 40-60 mins and would cover 4 or 5 verses from the OT or 2 or 3 of the NT.

Beeke said we may have a sense that Calvin rushes to application and short-circuits some of the exegetical / theological / hermeneutical work we might want to see. Calvin wanted to get to the point!

No set piece introduction, funny stories or "illustrations" as such. Not usually a well worked out structure or honed points, just following the text - sometimes a main theme would be stated.

(Calvin did, however, make an effort to use lively vivid language).

Now, it is another question to what extent Calvin was a model in all this, but it did make me feel a bit better about my preaching which I sometimes feel should have more of a single purpose, tighter structure, honed points that make a pleasing whole, more brilliant introductions, illustrations and conclusions etc.! There is something to be said for here are some things I wanted to say from God's word this week. The flexibility to cover more or less in one go is very appealing.

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