Monday, August 17, 2009

You Shall Not Commit Adultery (sermon intro)

I’m going to talk about sex today.

Right, now I’ve got your attention!

We come today to the 7th in our series of sermons on the 10 commandments:

“You shall not commit adultery”.

I’m pleased to say I’m not an expert on adultery!

Last time, the 6th commandment, not to murder, taught us that life is sacred.

This commandment teaches us that sex is sacred.

The Bible has lots to say about sex.

God claims our bodies as well as our souls.

He’s cares about our reproductive organs as well as our brains.

God is almost as concerned about sex as some of us are.

Our society is obsessed with sex.

Our society thinks of sex too much, but it doesn’t think enough of it.

Our society almost seems to think that everyone should have as much sex as possible.

But at the same time our society massively underestimates the significance of sex, as if it were nothing more than an exchange of bodily fluids and a way of stimulating a pleasurable chemical reaction in the brain.

As we’ll see, sex is much more than that.

God is for sex, sex is for marriage and marriage is for life.


(1) Literal adultery;

(2) What we might call “Emotional adultery”;

(3) What Jesus calls “Adultery in the heart”

(4) Spiritual adultery

The sermon audio is available on our church website sermon page.

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