Friday, August 14, 2009

Malcolm Maclean on The Lord's Supper

Here are a couple of snippets from my first perusal of Malcolm Maclean's The Lord's Supper (Mentor, 2009), which, God-willing I will be reviewing for Ecclesia Reformanda in the fullness of time:

“If there is one feature of the Lord’s Supper that has been written on my heart as a result of this study it is that we should be more focused on what the Lord Jesus, as the Head of his church, is doing at each celebration of the Lord’s Supper. I suspect that many believers, including myself, are more concerned with what we are doing. Obviously, our state of heart is very important, but sometimes we can be so occupied with ourselves that we fail to observe the activities of Jesus. Thankfully, his activities are not dependant on our observations.” (p10)

“While the New Testament does not command how often the meal should occur, Acts 20:7 suggests the common practice in New Testament times was weekly. Sometimes the comment is made that frequent occasions would result in over-familiarity, yet such an attitude is not a comment on the Supper but of the spirituality of the believers.” (p212)

“… it is common for some to imagine that solemnity requires the absence of interaction between believers and the necessity of not appearing joyful. In effect, the way the Supper is celebrated, although by a community, results in the Supper being an individualistic event, in which each person tends to focus on his or her relationship to Christ rather than also appreciating the family relationship of brothers and sisters that should mark the occasion.” (p213)

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