Monday, June 08, 2009

Preaching Proverbs

If you are or are thinking of preaching or teaching the book of Proverbs, I suggest you get over to the Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars website and listen to Revd John Woods' excellent seminar on said subject, which he delivered this morning. If you go to the Lancing Tabernacle website you can apparently find 27 sermons on Proverbs that John preached in 2006. John also commended some thematic sermons by Revd Dr Tim Keller. He mentioned that Revd Vaughan Roberts is also due to do some preaching on Proverbs soon I believe.

Maybe some more nuggets sometime if I get round to blogging some of my notes.


  1. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Vaughan preached some sermons on Proverbs last term and he is in the middle of a series now.

  2. Thanks, Daniel. It may be that John said he'd seen that Vaughan is also due to speak on Prov at some conference or other.

  3. I believe he's speaking on Prov at Keswick this summer.

  4. Brilliant, I've got chapters 8-9 to do this month, and then contributing to a 17 part series later this year. All resources very welcome!!
