Monday, June 08, 2009

Calvin Conference

I've just filled out the booking form for The John Owen Centre's Calvin Conference Examining Calvin's life and theology and its relevance for Christian living today (Mon 14th - Tues 15th Sept).

It only costs £50 including meals, with discounted day bookings available.

I'm especially interested in it as I'm about to write a chapter for the PhD on Calvin's doctrine of the Lord's Supper.

Anyone else going?

Anyone want to offer me a bed in London - the more accessible it is to London Theological Seminary in Finchley the better!


  1. Are girls allowed to attend?

  2. I'm sure they are! Why wouldn't they be?

    It'll be Dr Williams' outfit by then, wont it?

    Is there any chance we could persuade you, Ros?

  3. Well, LTS don't have girls.

    I think probably it's not sufficiently relevant to the PhD for me to spend a couple of days on.

  4. Surely you're not only doing things that are relevant to your PhD?
