Thursday, April 30, 2009

Presbyterian, examine thyself

Some jottings from Jeffrey J. Meyer's chapter in The Case for Covenant Communion:

1 Cor 11:28 - dokimazw - to prove, approve, accredit or test - not typically in Paul a self-reflexive act of internal evaluation but often public and in relation to others - cf. 1 Cor 3:13; 16:3; 2 Cor 8:8, 22; 13:5 (pp20-21)

How then does a man "prove" himself? In the immediate context of 1 Corinthians 10-12 the "proof" that a Christian must display is his or her behavior at the table with respect to the unity of the body of Christ and not the performance of introspective self-examination. A man "proves himself" by how he eats, not how much he understands or how thoroughly he searches his heart. Understanding and heart-searching may be involved, but the proof is in the way one behaves towards others in the body. (emphasis original, p21)

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