Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mrs Church

The church: she, not it, right?


  1. Of course, Mark Driscoll notwithstanding.

  2. What does Mr Driscoll think? I know he's all for being manly after a fashion but surely he'd accept that the church is and out to be essentially feminine in relation to Christ, her husband?

  3. He has made jokes to the effect that describing the church as the bride of Christ makes Jesus into his (Mark Driscoll's) gay lover. I've seen this in the context of him explaining why he doesn't interpret the Song of Songs Christologically. No idea what he does with Eph 5 or Rev 21 etc.

  4. How sad.

    Let's just work out why that's wrong:

    (1) it unnecessarily sexualizes / physicalizes the image

    (2) it mistakes the corporate for the individual

    Is that right? Any others?
