Wednesday, March 11, 2009

He Shall Come Again

The hope of Christ’s return thrilled the New Testament Christians, as witness over three hundred references to it in the documents – on average, one every thirteen verses.

J. I. Packer, Affirming the Apostles’ Creed (2008, Crossway) p107 – formerly in Growing in Christ / I want to be a Christian


  1. I remember hearing that fact the first time and being excited about it! Now, it's one of those things that make me nervous about postmillenialism. I love the idea of the global victory of Christ before his final return, but it seems that if postmillenialism is true then a lot (the majority?) of those 1-in-13 verses are actually about his AD70 coming.

    Can one be postmillenial and still affirm 1-in-13 verses refer to Jesus' future coming?

  2. Yes, I'd wondered something like that.

    Of course we may distinguish preterism and postmillenialism, though I admit to some extent they often go together and something of a package works well.

    I've not seen the verses Packer has in mind set out and there were no footnotes. I'm afraid I've no real idea if his list would include any texts that were actually (primarilly) fulfilled in AD 70, though I guess it might. Nothing sacred in his statistic, of course!
