Thursday, March 12, 2009

Deborah 13: Servant of God

A friend from church recommended BBC 3's Deborah 13: Servant of God which is available on BBC i player (which I haven't had a chance to watch yet).

Debbie is from a large homeschooling Christian family.

My friend said she seemed remarkably happy and well adjusted and not hankering after some of the typical sins of teenagers as if she thought she might be missing out. He was inspired by her boldness in evangelism.

Here's the blurb from the BBC:

Documentary about 13-year-old Deborah Drapper, who, unlike other British teens has never heard of Britney Spears or Victoria Beckham. She has been brought up in a deeply Christian family and her parents have tried to make sure she and her ten brothers and sisters have grown up protected from the sins of the outside world.

Deborah is a bright, confident girl who has big ambitions for her life and the film spends a summer with her as she ventures out in the world to see what life outside her family could be and starts putting her beliefs forward to a wider audience.
Broadcast on: BBC Three, 9:00pm Tuesday 10th March 2009
Duration: 60 minutes
Available until: 9:59pm Tuesday 17th March 2009
Deborah's blog can be found at:
There is also an item from the Telegraph entitled Follow the Bible not the Beckhams.

1 comment:

  1. Some brief thoughts of mine on the documentary are here.

    (Word verification - spoof)
