Tuesday, August 05, 2008

He Shall Have Dominion

A live blog from camp!

All is going well - through many dangers, toils and snares, and with His strength made perfect in weakness and so on. Thanks if you prayed and to the Lord and to all the team!

We've been having excellent times in Psalms 1 & 8 so far thanks to Mr Ken MacDonald.

I was especially struck by how dominion was seen partly in Adam, lost, exercised fully in Christ, progressively in us and perfectly in the future.

Think of Jesus domion over nature: He calms the storm and walks on water.

And over the beasts of the field: He rides an unbroken donkey no one else has ever ridden and the pigs rush to their death as He allows demons to enter them.

And over the fish of the sea: they climb into nets at His command, they pay His taxes and he serves them up.

And over the birds of the air: the Spirit comes on Him in the form of a dove and not a bird falls from the heavens except at His Father's command.

I just have to go and exercise a bit of dominion over Mr Dan Ritchie who is a very naughty leader. He just said there was some man outside the main building to see me. I took off my Christmas tree hair band, picked up my official looking folder and pen and marched out, where upon a group of boys water bombed me. Vengance may be the Lord's but a bit of corrective "punishment" might be in order...


  1. Anonymous11:39 am

    Bring it on "Oh rather large man from the valleys".

    On another note, I must point out to all you overall venture leaders out there, Marc is a unique model to follow. The way he oversees and runs an entire venture from the canteen is something to behold...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous4:09 pm

    Oops somehow managed to delete my comment

    Anyway, meant to say, we miss having Marc on camp. His dedication at looking after the leaders' room is outstanding!
