Friday, August 01, 2008


We’re off on our CPAS Ventures camp first thing in the morning, for which we’d very much appreciate your prayers.

It’s a camp which is not really a camp, since we’re staying in a boarding school. Though it will be a little more like camping than usual since, in a radical move for us, some leaders will have to sleep on the floor, although I understand this is normal at some camps.

Its Romsey 1, which is not Romsey 1 since I believe it follows on from Romsey 2. Its no longer in Romsey at Hampshire Collegiate School this year but at Cumnor House School in Danehill in East Sussex. The site is new to us.

Though it's high summer and the weather will of course be glorious sunshine all week, we’re having Christmas and New Year.

The preaching and Bible Studies will be sequential edited highlights from John’s Gospel. I'm giving the first talk on John 20:31 entitled "Reading The Last Page First".

As a leadership team we'll be studying selected Psalms and I'll speak on a couple of Psalms from the Book of Common Prayer that I preached on recently.

I’ll be acting a adjutant (the main up front leadership for the kids) for the first time. Mrs Lloyd will be looking after Master Lloyd for the first time at camp. A kind church member will be looking after Caleb, oh, and Esther, for the first time at the curatage.

We’ll have 26 leaders (including cooks and a junior leader, quite a few of whom are new to our camp) and 44 eleven to fourteen year olds. Oh, and one baby, of course.

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