Sunday, June 22, 2008

Word and Sacrament (Lk 5:1-11)

Is it fanciful to see Word and Sacrament here in this call of the disciples?

The word is no problem, that's explicit in the text: Jesus taught them the word of God.

If sacraments are visible words, enacted signs, significant actions of Jesus in which he involves his people, where they receive from him by his grace and power, is not the miraculous catch of fish sacramental? It is interpreted by the Word: as you caught these fish (by my grace and power, despite your inability) so you will catch men?

Presumably as the climax of this new covenant they had made with Jesus they ate (some of the fish) with Jesus, though I guess they might have straight away left everything behind (v11)?

Convinced? Or is that such a weak view of what's sacramental that its not worth bothering with?

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