Sunday, June 22, 2008

Discovering Discipleship

I preached this morning for 11 mins (+ preamble & prayer) at St Nicolas', Pevensey on the BCP gospel reading, Luke 5:1-11, with a sentence on the other two readings, saying that they could be taken to be Calls to Discipleship, though that is not the most exciting comment in the world since from one point of view the whole Bible is about discipleship.

It was an interesting service: 11am Sung Eucharist, largely according to the Prayer Book. There were robes, lights, a procession, Gospel from centre of church, incense, bells and so on. Eastward position.

My headings (which also appeared on a green handout, for Trinity) were:

Discipleship Discovered: Following Jesus
Luke 5:1-11

Discipleship is a response to the unique power and authority of Jesus (v8) revealed in his teaching (vv1-3) and miracles (vv6-7, 9)

Being a disciple involves taking Jesus at his word, doing what Jesus says because he says so, even if it seems stupid (vv4-5)

Jesus is powerful even when our best expertise is powerless, able when we are incapable, strong when we are weak (vv4-7)

Sinners (like Peter and us) rightly fear Jesus the Lord (v8)

But Jesus’ friends have no need to be afraid (v10)

Jesus calls his unworthy disciples to call other disciples after Him (v10)

Follow Him, whatever you have to leave behind (v11)

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