Monday, June 23, 2008

Praise her in the gates

Tomorrow is Mrs Lloyd's second wedding anniversary. Fortunately my parents and sister have sent us cards, so that has reminded me. It was wise of them to cause them to arrive a few days early! My father avoided the problem of remembering his wedding anniversary by marrying my mother on his birthday, which always seemed wise to me.

Some would say she deserves a medal for putting up with Mr Lloyd. I'm sure you wont agree, dear reader. But she should be decorated for all her hard work in house and home, for her fantastic help, her faithful mothering of child, father, dog and cat alike and a list of accomplishments too long to mention. Mrs Lloyd has often gone above and beyond the call of duty and has done those jobs which Mr Lloyd has shamefully neglected or has proved incompetent to perform. She has joyfully put put chests of drawers when I would still have been looking at the plans (or more likely starting then stopping to look at the plans). Lawns have been mowed and bins emptied while my back was turned for little more than a moment.

Mrs Lloyd has created a pleasent action-packed home on a meagre curate's stipend and is a happy hostess.

Apart from being quite a looker and about a million times more trendy than Mr Lloyd, Mrs Lloyd is also adorned with purity, reverence and an the inner beauty of a gentle and quite spirit, which is of great worth in the sight of God. Which isn't to say that she can't surprise with some penetrating comment that no one else had mentioned.

I shall be celebrating our wedding anniversary by attending morning prayers, staff meeting, teaching in HT parent and toddler club, going to a meeting with ministers from 2 other churches, and attending Rev'd Dr Jim Packer's talk at Holy Trinity on the lessons of the Canadian Anglican church.

But Mrs Lloyd has proved a Proverbs 31-er indeed. Her piano lessons have dressed her family in purple. And we are off to scoff the proceeds, as it were, on Thursday 3rd at the Sussex Ox.

Now I need to rush out to buy her something cotton, I believe. Though the interweb would seem to suggest that china is an acceptable modern alternative.

Do you think this blog post would serve as a suitable substitute for a card?


  1. No.

    But then this comment is almost certainly an inadequate replacement for a card from the Jeffers. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Ah well, Mr W feels he has avoided all such problems by informing me before we were married that, once we were married, it would be my job to remember birthdays, anniversaries and the like, for family, friends, and of course us. In fact, his own birthday would pass him by were it not for my reminders. Hope Mrs L enjoyed her anniversary!
