Monday, June 23, 2008


Over the last couple of days I have heard three rather surprising comments.

Someone described me as eccentric. I can't see that myself. I'm totally normal. Its the rest of the world that's eccentric if there be any eccentricity about! Wherein is this eccentricity to be seen?

Someone else said, "You look too young to be a minister". Maybe I should be flattered as I've not long turned 30 and my hair has a smattering of grey, which I believe is a good thing in the Bible.

And finally, a long-term so-called friend who thinks that she has a special mission to keep me humble told my wife that she was doing an excellent job in knocking off some of my corners but that the job was not yet complete. What corners? And maybe I like my corners? And is that really Mrs Lloyd's job? And...

1 comment:

  1. 'Totally normal' - absolutely. Though it's a good thing that the world isn't full of people as 'normal' as you, Marc.
