Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Liturgical Reform Programme steps 1 & 2

I stand by my earlier comments about designing new furniture for a sinking ship but I think the top 2 liturgical reforms I'd like to see are:

(1) The full scale authorisation of a good modern language version of the BCP. Something like the English Prayer Book (Church Society / OUP) would be great. It seems to me that Common Worship accepts the principle with the modern language BCP communion service. Since all Anglicans love the BCP and claim it for themselves, who could possibly object? Come on, synod, vote now, you know you want to.

(2) The authorisation of a Lord's Supper service according to an explicitly covenantal renewal pattern using lots of Scripture, traditional texts (such as The Apostles' Creed) and some permitted variations.

By the way, why does the BCP communion service have us saying the Lord's Prayer twice?


  1. Anonymous12:10 pm

    "Why does the BCP communion service have us saying the Lord's Prayer twice?"

    It doesn't. The priest says it the first time. The Rev'd Dr Andrew Moore, formerly chaplain of St. Peter's College, Oxford, explained that this was the conclusion of the minister's preparation to administer Holy Communion.

    Would you not say there is enough material in Common Worship to be able to put together modern-language prayer book services, and covenant renewal services? Although getting synod to debate such things would distract them from doing anything more controversial at the moment, which would probably be a good thing.

  2. Interesting point re Lord's Prayer, Daniel, thanks. Maybe I'll say it in the Vestry!

    Re CW, that may well be so, but as I understand it CW is meant to be used. Services should be whole and entirly as set out and not in a pick n mix fashion. I agree CW is acceptable but not, I think, ideal. Its hard to think of anything more important than good liturgy as its so paradigmatic and formative.

    Yep, synod could do with being kept out of trouble!

  3. Anonymous9:16 am


    I've taken I don't know how many BCP Communion Services and never noticed that before!

    Presumably the same is true of the collect for purity?
