Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The hurt of hearing the mass

The other day I was at a clergy event where I was supposed to go to a communion service led by an anglican minister. To my surprise, it turned out afterwards that it had been from the Roman Missal.

I didn't walk out, but if I had been braver I might have done when the minister was holding up the wafer saying "this is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world". This seems at best confused and confusing to me and likely idolatry, if really believed.

There was also much careless talk of sacrifice. Whilst the service didn't say, "now I will offer a meritorious good work to propitiate God" it sounded like the minister thought he was helping the achieve the salvation of the world by what he was doing. To my mind the service needs to be much more explicit on the one perfect completed never to be repeated sacrifice of Christ and our unworthy sacrifice as one of thanks and praise.

Prayers for the dead and invocations of the saints are without biblical warrant and risk undermining the work of Christ.

And I'm nervous about kissing the table.

I didn't join in with the dodgey words but I did communicate. Amusingly there were 2 Roman Catholic clergy present who didn't communicate but all the Anglican ministers did.

What should I have done?

Think I need to read John Bradford, The Hurt of Hearing the Mass.

It is a real shame that one can't trust supposedly Anglican services to be the real thing.
There should be a law against it. Oh, oops, nearly forgot, there is, but no one bothers about that... Maybe I should have called the police, or the Bishop.


  1. Anonymous12:06 pm

    Presumably it's the same law that conservative evangelicals break when their services consist of a confession, a Bible reading, a few songs, and interchangable components - one week the Lord's prayer, another week, the Apostles' Creed &c - and when they make up eucharistic prayers on the spot.

  2. Next time be brave.
