Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Teaching Needs Me

Graham Holley, the chief executive of the tda has written me a very nice letter to say that they need me and my teaching skills back in the classroom.

Apparently its lovely to be a teacer now, there is more pay and less work and you get helpers.

I'm not sure the staff and students of Westcliff High school for boys (where I used to teach) would agree that I'm quite so essential to the teaching profession, but I must say that the rose-tinted-spectacles and the glossy government propaganda brochure did give me pause for thought!


  1. Don't believe a word of it.

    Yes, you get helpers, but the idea is, that one teacher could soon have a class of 70 pupils, because they have 3 or 4 (less well-trained, poorly-paid) teaching assistants!

  2. Well, I'm not sure I'd mind that!

    My problem was more with the crowd control than with the teaching.

    If my helpers could do marking that would be brill.

    But if I did it again I'd set far fewer essays: they were a punishment to me.

    What I really could have used is just one really sacrey adult, or even someone who could go and fetch such a scarey person. Then, give me a class as big as you like and I'd happily lecture them esp., if, as at Westcliff, I could basically teach whatever I wanted.

    Not sure I'd bother with Islam and Judaism or other religions as much as I did last time as I was limited by knowing next to nothing about them and sometimes caring less. I trust they always seemed really boring to the dear boys.
