Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Ordination Vows

I must check the exact terms of the vows I made when I was ordained deacon in Chichester Cathedral last Petertide, but can anyone tell me, were the vows made for life, untill retirement, untill further notice, till I've served my title or something else?

For example, now that the government wants me to be a wonderfull well payed rewarded low work and stress free teacher, do my diaconal vows prevent me switching jobs?


  1. Anonymous10:58 am


    I can't decide if your question is serious (whilst I realise you are not planning on becoming a school teacher again!!)

    The oaths are canonical obedience and assent - they are not time-bound, but they are not the essence of the ordination either.

    The declaration, before the ordination proper, is a series of statements of intent ("With the help of God, I will") made in the presence of God and his church.

    The ordination is a prayer that the Spirit would rest on you "for the office and work of a deacon / priest".

    None of those specifies a time-limit. You could argue (convincingly) against an ontological understanding of ordination that it is "office and work" that you are ordained for, so if you are no longer in office / doing the work...

    But: Most within the Church of England regard ordination as for life. I think, but an ecclesiastical lawyer would need to put me straight here, that you remain a "clerk in holy orders" for life - but some things (like permission to officiate at a wedding) require a bishop's license as well.

    So, the standard answer would be that if someone became a school-teacher, they are an ordained school teacher. They may be salaried by their school, but they are still bound by their vows. They are therefore required to banish error / pray for the people of God / etc. / etc. in whatever job they find themselves.

    DON'T DO IT!!!!

  2. Thanks, James. That's really helpful. Sounds convincing to me.

    I've certainly no plans to change jobs or break or renounce my vows and I'm quite happy with seeking to fulfill them till the day I die, but the question is serious in the sense that I'd like to know exactly what I promised and so on.

    I think it'd be good to spend more time on all this canons, ordiantion stuff etc at Vicar Factory.
