Monday, August 20, 2007

Work Experience at Church

Why not encourage the teenagers at church to do their work experience with us? We could always find them plenty of useful jobs to do and by the time they shaddow the vicar, the curate, the office manager, the verger, other volunteers and leaders, and in our case the coffee and gift shop staff, we could give them a very useful, interesting, diverse experience. It would be a bit like a mini-apprenticeship.

Indeed, perhaps we need to think about flexible, part-time apprenticeships too. Maybe that 17 year old could give 4 hours a week to the church, the students could be involved in the vacations and so on.

Maybe some of the retired may be interested in apprenticeships too?!


  1. Anonymous9:16 pm

    hi marc, it's andy good idea about the apprenticeship, if carpentry doesn't work out for me, i will consider it... cheers :)

  2. Grand. Thanks for dropping by, Andy.

    I'm rather ashamed of having enthusiasticly greeted your brother as you on Sunday.

    Have had my dry cleaning done, by the way.
