Monday, August 20, 2007


Mother's Day (or, properly, Mothering Sunday) is an important fixture in many church calenders, often seeing a bumper congregation.

To be honest, in our church, like many churches, we probably have more grandparents than parents (if you see what I mean).

I know it might feel like a horrible commercial Americanism, but I wonder if we as churches should make some use of Grandparents' day? We could encourage grandparents to bring their little dears to church on that day and have a children's talk that recognises wider family or the dignity of age, or whatever.

In the US, grandparents day is an official holiday falling on the first Sunday after labor day, the 9th Sept this year.

My quick Google Search didn't throw up much of use for grandparents day in the UK, but the Clinton Cards website seems to put it on Sat 22nd Sept 2007, which is also Yom Kippur.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought all the non-Mothering-Sunday ones were invented by card companies to even out their revenue stream. (And Mothering Sunday was originally a day off for servants so they could visit their mothers.) If so, is it really right to encourage them?
