Thursday, March 15, 2007

How can a loving God allow suffering?

I spoke today for the Middlesex Christian Union Mission on How Can a loving God allow suffering? In case its of any use or interest to anyone, here's the handout I prepared. Those in the know may recognise something of a resembalence to the 6 points of the Two Ways To Live gospel outline.

How can a loving God allow suffering?

An intellectual problem
Can God prevent suffering? – God’s power?
Does God want to prevent suffering? – God’s love?

A personally painful problem

Not all the answers
We are not God…
But God has clearly revealed himself (Bible & Jesus)
Trusting God, who has good reasons

Intellectually - coherent
- makes sense of our experience
Emotionally satisfying

No problem for the atheist – which is a problem!

Some Christian responses:

(1) God created a good world

(2) People rebelled against God

(3) The world is under God’s judgement

(4) Jesus’ death is God’s loving answer to suffering

Humans are responsible for evil

God is in control

Jesus experiences suffering

Jesus bore the judgement of God for all who will trust him

God brings good out of suffering

(5) Jesus defeated suffering and death and rose from the dead

(6) Jesus will put the world to rights

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