Thursday, March 15, 2007

Baxter sounding Covenantal Objectivist

We had a fascinating time today in the post-graduate seminar on George Crowder’s paper on Anglican Church Membership, church discipline and Confirmation.

Here’s a quotation courtesy of George Crowder with Richard Baxter sounding at least a bit like a Covenantal Objectivist:

The essential union is that relation of a head and members, which is between Christ and all the visible members of his church: the foundation of it is the mutual covenant between Christ and them considered on their part as made externally, whether sincerely or not: this is usually done in baptism… the baptismal covenant doth constitute us as members of the visible church.

Christian Ecclesiastics, 596

And for good measure here’s the suggestion of the Lord’s Supper as Covenantal Renewal:

The covenant made, solemnised by baptism, owned at age, must frequently be renewed through the course of your lives… virtually renewed in every act of worship before God, actually in prayer and meditation, especially after a fall, and the Lord’s Supper is instituted for this very end.

Christian Ecclesiastics, 562

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